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Galapagos Islands Diving and Land Adventure
M/V Humboldt Explorer Charter, Sept 29 - Oct 5 2014
Land Walks & Touring the Galapagos Islands Oct 5 - 11 2014
Escorted by: Cindi LaRaia
Galapagos Islands Diving and Land Adventure - UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE CENTER
The laboratory for the study of the origins of life
Sept 29-Oct 5 2014 - Humboldt Explorer Liveaboard
**In the heart of the whale shark season!
Oct 5-11 2014 - Land walks & touring the Galapagos Islands
** The land of Charles Darwin and the living museum of endemic species!
Humboldt Explorer 6nt Trip 2014 Rates
Rates held confirmed at $4295.00/ per person twin sharing for 2014 for Dive Discovery!
plus: $150.000 fuel surcharge *subject to change,
national park fee $100.00 , tourist card $10.00 , hyperbaric fee $35.00.
RT Flights from Quito to Galapagos to board boat approx $550.00
Galapagos Diving Itinerary (pdf file)
Land Walks & Touring The Galapagos Islands 6nt Trip 2014 Rates.
A lovely itinerary with a bountiful array of unique endemic encounters only seen in the Galapagos Islands; snorkeling, hikes to volcanoes, giant Tortoises, a local farm visit and more.
New confirmed lower pricing for 2014 $1975.00 per person twin sharing.
Galapagos Land Extension Itinerary (pdf file)
The Galapagos Islands are geologically young and famed for their vast number of endemic species, which were studied by Charles Darwin during the voyage of the Beagle. His observations and collections contributed to the inception of Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection. Situated in the Pacific Ocean some 1,000 km from the South American continent, these 19 islands and the surrounding marine reserve have been called a unique 'living museum and showcase of evolution'. Located at the confluence of three ocean currents, the Galapagos are a 'melting pot' of marine species.
Your underwater adventures in the Galapagos will encompass everything from sharks to nudibranchs, and more. The islands are best known for amazing shark diving around Wolf and Darwin Islands. These small and remote islands are best reached by liveaboard vessels for divers. Your diving experience here will generally include Galapagos sharks, silky sharks and lots of schooling hammerheads being cleaned by king angelfish. Seeing marine turtles, schools of tuna, eagle rays, and sea lions is very common and seeing a whale shark is very possible from June through November. All the islands you travel to are amazing sites for underwater photography.
Macro photographers will have their fill of sea horses, barnacle blennies, coral hawk fish, and many others. An abundance of rays are at many of the dive sites (including spotted rays, marble rays, golden rays and stingrays) along with sea lions, sea turtles, schools of grunts and snappers. The variety of life in these water is unlike any other place, with thick schools of the native brown stripped salema, snappers, groupers, Chevron barracuda and huge sea turtles.
Land Walks & Touring the Galapagos Islands
There are also many unique things to view on land. Consider adding on some time to your trip to experience the land animals as well. And of course, a trip to the Galapagos would not be complete without taking time to watch their most famous inhabitants - the giant tortoise!
Contact Cindi at Request Info to reserve your spot!
For more information
Dive Discovery
1 800 886-7321
(415) 444-5100
Request Info