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Combo Gray Whales & Blue Whale Adventure, February 25 - March 3 2014 Group Trip
Escorted by: Cindi LaRaia
COST: USD 2850.00 per person twin sharing
Here is the perfect whale watching tour option for those who want to see the Baja Peninsula, but who want as little driving time as possible. Gray whales at the best whale watching location in the world, Laguna Ojo de Liebre and then blue whale watching at one of the finest locations we know of for reliable sightings of blue whales, Loreto, BCS.
Trip details at a glance:
Gray whales at Laguna Ojo de Liebre and blue whales in the Sea of Cortez near Loreto.
Tour starts in San Diego, you ride south in our comfortable vans. At the end you fly home from Loreto, B.C.S. (Airfare is not included in the tour package.)
Your meeting point in San Diego is the Holiday Inn Bayside with an early morning 4:30 a.m. departure. (Hotel the night before our trip start date is not included)
Relatively all inclusive from the start to the end point. Trip includes 3 meals daily, one drink with each meal, purified water available all the time, guide, transportation as described in the tour itinerary, whale watching boats and marine sanctuary fees and accommodations as described in the trip details and itinerary.
Blue Whale Trip Log
Sea of Cortez, Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico
Seven Day Gray And Blue Whale Watching Tour Itinerary
Feb 24/25-Day #0:
Holiday Inn Bayside, San Diego.(own arrangements)
Feb 25-Day #1:
Leave the Holiday Inn - Bayside at 4:30 a.m. crossing the border bright and early. Travel south to Guerrero Negro, arriving in the late afternoon. We make a nice lunch stop near the remote village of Catavina. There we will have the opportunity to visit an interesting ancient cave painting site. Then a short three hour drive gets us to our destination. After getting situated in our rooms we meet for an orientation talk telling you the latest on local conditions. Breakfast today is eaten while we travel. We provide a "brown bag" style breakfast that varies, but usually includes fruit, cold and hot cereal, coffee & tea, donuts, muffins, snack bars and more.
Feb 26/27-Day #2:
Today we journey to the newest observation in Laguna Ojo de Liebre, zone #3 just opened in 2004. Relatively undeveloped and still undiscovered by most whale watchers this area is reminiscent of whale watching 20 years past. This is a really great location that Baja Jones considers to be the number one best location for whale watching of any kind, anywhere in the world. We meet for breakfast and then travel to the lagoon where we will spend the day whale watching, lunch will be served by the friendly Baja Jones crew at bayside. Then a second trip out onto the lagoon is planned after lunch. Dinner tonight includes an in depth discussion about the gray whales.
Feb 27- Day #3:
Today you enjoy two whale watching trips in a repeat performance of our first whale watching day. Tonight at dinner we'll review the trips experiences and advise you about preparations for departure early tomorrow morning.
Feb 28-Day #4:
This morning after breakfast we travel across the peninsula to the Sea of Cortez and the town of Loreto. Our drive time today will be 5 to 6 hours. Depending on our start time, there may be time to stop in the town of San Ignacio for a walk around the old original mission building, still in use today. Our lunch stop today is an eclectic Oceanside palapa café on the shore of the Sea of Cortez. We expect to arrive in Loreto around 4;00 p.m. This will give you a couple hours free time before we meet for dinner.
Mar 1-2- Day 5 & 6:
In small 25 foot outboard motor launches we search for blue whales, finback whales and possibly other whales such as humpbacks and Bryde's whales. With only a little good fortune we should come across one of the huge pods of dolphins that frequent the areas we will search for whales in.
Our day begins with breakfast at 7:00 a.m. and then a short walk to the dock. We generally embark at 8:00 a.m. expecting to see whale spouts anytime after leaving the dock. The most common area for our whale watching is south of Loreto, but this changes from day to day and year to year.
Mar 3-Day 7:
This is your departure from Loreto day. We meet for breakfast and then you will be on your own until the pre-arranged transfer time to the Loreto Airport for your flight to Los Angeles or elsewhere. In 7 action packed days you will have experienced the best that whale watching has to offer anywhere in the world today. The close encounters that typify the gray whale watching action and the breathtaking joy of your first sighting of the largest animal to ever live upon Planet Earth.
For more information
Dive Discovery
1 800 886-7321
(415) 444-5100
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