2014 Group Trip: Galapagos Islands Diving and Land Adventure

Galapagos Dive & Land Adventure Group Trip

M/V Humboldt Explorer Charter, Sept 29 – Oct 5 2014
Land Walks & Touring the Galapagos Islands Oct 5 – 11 2014

Galapagos Islands Diving and Land Adventure – UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE CENTER
The laboratory for the study of the origins of life.

Humboldt Explorer - Galapagos Liveaboards

Sept 29-Oct 5 2014 – Humboldt Explorer Liveaboard
**In the heart of the whale shark season!
Itinerary: Galapagos Diving

Oct 5-11 2014 – Land Walks & Touring the Galapagos Islands
** The land of Charles Darwin and the living museum of endemic species!
Itinerary: Galapagos Land Adventure Extension

For more details, please visit our website:
