Group Trip to Antarctica in 2015

Antarctic Peninsula | Basecamp Plancius - Arctic & Antarctica Dive Tours - Dive Discovery

‘Adventure fans, I want to escort an expedition to Antarctica for the 2015 season! This is for divers & adventurers interested in what Antarctica has to offer and or active folks who love photography, hiking, snowshoeing, camping, kayaking, mountaineering & shore excursions & zodiac cruises! (this is what I will be doing!) This will be onboard M/V Plancius, this amazing vessel will act as a “basecamp” where we start our various activities.

All activities will be conducted by trained expert guides.  All adventure activities are free of charge on “Basecamp Plancius” voyages and are included in the package.

*diving has an additional charge.
See the link for “Basecamp Plancius Manual” brochure for further details.

Anybody interested???  Let me know!’

Cindi LaRaia

Basecamp Plancius - Dive Discovery

Basecamp Plancius Manual [pdf file]

For more information, contact Dive Discovery at:
1 800 886-7321, (415) 444-5100
or Email us