PNG: MV FeBrina Mid Year 2014 Solo Travelers Special Offer

MV FeBrina: 2014 Solo Trvaveler Special Offer

Wednesday 11th June to Thursday 19th June, 2014

Diving Kimbe Bay Reefs and Witu Islands OR Fathers Reefs Walindi | Walindi

8 nights | 6.5 dive days


Ensuite Twin/Double Cabin — $3,200 per person
Ensuite Single Cabin — $3,500 per person
Ensuite Master Cabin — $3,800 per person

Boxer Crab - PNG Diving

Dive Itinerary:  Special Solo Travelers Cruise

This trip has been specially created for our guests that usually travel alone and would like to meet other solo travelers who share similar interests. On board this cruise everyone is a potential dive buddy!  Our only pre-requisite for this trip is that you are either travelling alone or travelling with one other friend that is not a partner.

Itinerary Details: