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Kalimantan (11 Days/10 Nights) , Damai 2 Liveaboard Scuba Diving, May 25-June 4 2026 Group Trip
Escorted by: Cindi LaRaia
Kalimantan: second only to Raja Ampat in the number of species of coral, with over 475 and more than 800 of fish. This destination is rarely visited by liveaboards and we can expect encounters with the largest fish, Mantas and Whale sharks and the smallest ones such as the well camouflaged Pygmy Seahorse.
Day 1: Arrive to Tarakan
Guests will arrive in Tarakan and have time to get comfortable on the boat. Once we are all settled, we will slowly head south towards the Derawan Archipelagoes.
No. of Dives: none
Day 2: Sangalaki
We will focus the first day of diving, clearly on two main subjects: mantas and Turtles. Sangalaki has obtain a reputation for being a manta destination over the years, Mantas visits cleaning stations where are easily observed while diving. For those photographers enthusiastic, they will have the opportunity to take great shots of mantas and in the afternoon, look for flasher wrasse among the shallow rubble.
Large number of green turtles come every night to lay eggs and this will be, without a doubt a great experience.
No. of Dives: 4
Day 3: Derawan
A change in our subjects, and a day dedicated to macro. Ghosts pipe fish, Pygmy sea horses, sea dragons, flamboyant cuttlefish or blue-ringed octopus. The well-trained eyes of our guides will be here tested at its best.
No. of Dives: 4
Day 4: Talisayan
In front the the mainland, Fisherman, as they do in other areas, park their fishing platform, also known as “Bagans”. We will take our chance and look for the giant Whale sharks that aggregate in the area in a symbiotic relation with the local fisherman.
No. of Dives: 4
Day 5 & 6: Maratua and Kakaban
We will spend two days around this islands, surrounded by pristine drop off with giant fans and colorful soft corals. Without a doubt is the channel that links the lagoon and the outer reef where more life aggregate: including schools of bump head parrot fish, giant trevallies, snappers and what possibly the largest school of Barracudas in the country. Keep an eye for resident beautiful, Leopard sharks, and the dozens of turtles that we might see in a dive site well knows as” turtle traffic”.
On the afternoons we will visit the the famous jelly fish lake, where stingless jellies are by the thousands and we can also look for rare gobies.
No. of Dives: 4 per day
Day 7 & 8: Muaras
Time for adventure: a bit remote and out of the reach of most operators, Muaras has great corals, a combination of sandy slopes and drop offs and a couple of surprises that might make our diving day: a cleaning station for thresher sharks and a large resident population of marble rays. Nearby are still unexplored reefs and we will take the opportunity to do so.
No. of Dives: 4
Day 9: Birahbirahan
We venture further south and explore the shallow reefs near the small island of Birahbirahan. In the reefs of Yohanaantonia we found an extremely healthy and well-balanced ecosystem: hard corals, schooling snappers, yellow grunt, fusiliers, whitetips and blacktips sharks, turtles. It has been one pf the best surprises we have found while exploring and well worth the overnight crossing.
No. of Dives: 2
Day 10: Birahbirahan
A day at sea crossing the 180 miles from our last diving site to the final destination of Balikpapan. Time to look at pictures, relax on the deck and enjoy a massage or a glass of wine.
Day 11: Departure
Guests will be escorted to the airport in Blaikpapan and assisted with check in procedures, no doubt full of talk about the wonders of this amazing destination.
The trip will be weather dependent and there might be long crossing required throughout. We will, try to adjust the best we can to the conditions and fulfil all itinerary briefed when you’re on the boat.
Due to the need to report to the local village, divers will need to be flexible with the start time of the first dive at some of the dive sites. We will ensure that you’re given timely update on this during the trip, however your understanding on last minute changes would be appreciate. This is because divers are only allowed in the water once permission is granted by the local villages and officers.
Damai are flexible to change itinerary suggested based on customer’s preference in the event that weather and time allow us to do so and if changes is agreeable by all participants on board.
Master cabin 6 - $8150.00 per person sharing
Master cabin 5 - $7450.00 per person sharing
Double/ twin cabin 4 – $6950.00 per person sharing
Double/twin cabin 3 - $6950.00 per person sharing
Double /twin cabin 2 - $6950.00 per person sharing
Double/twin cabin 1 - $6950.00 per person sharing
• Cabins 1 or 2 can be a single cabin for $9050.00
Plus harbour fees $300.00 per person & park fee $65.00 per person
• For past passengers Includes: free nitrox, dive gear, massages & laundry
For more information
Dive Discovery
1 800 886-7321
(415) 444-5100
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