PNG Adventures
DISCOVER Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea is a country of adventure where you can enjoy experiences found no other place on earth. With over 800 individual languages and species of flora and fauna yet to be discovered, this truly is the land of the unexpected! Truly incredible adventures await and with so many different journeys to be had, you're sure to find one you'll never forget.
Papua New Guinea lies south of the Equator, just north of Australia. Apart from the mainland, Papua New Guinea comprises of a remarkable collection of islands, atolls and coral reefs scattered around its coastline. The mainland is divided by the Owen Stanley Range – a rugged central spine with peaks over 13,000 feet high. Great rivers begin their journey to the sea from these mountains. Below the mountain chain, fertile coastal plains, flooded delta regions and mangrove swamps exist alongside broad sandy beaches, sheltered bays and dense rainforest.
A hundred different ADVENTURES
PNG is home to some of the world's most spectacular
diving and has twice as many marine species as the
waters of the Red Sea and up to ten times as many
as the Caribbean. Often described as a "underwater
photographers' paradise," many award-winning photos
have been taken in PNG waters.
Significantly, PNG is located in the coral triangle of marine diversity with the highest array of tropical fish and coral in the world. From tiny colorful nudibranchs to the magnificent whale shark, divers will encounter a stunning variety of species. The immense diversity of dive sites include barrier reefs, coral walls (drop-offs), fringing reefs, sea grass beds and coral atolls. Wreck dive sites provide a collection of ships and aircraft from WWII.
With water temperature varying from 80 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit, one can dive in PNG year-round. Diving is offered by resort/dive centers and liveaboard dive boats. Land-based operations offer short courses and have fully equipped dive shops with gear for hire.
With over 700 species of birds in Papua New Guinea — including 38 species of Bird of Paradise — bird watchers let yourself be amazed! Species such as the Hooded Pito- Hui, the world's only poisonous bird, thrive in PNG where the vast tropical rainforest provides perfect habitat for a wide variety of bird life. Some of the favorite places for birding are Tari Gap, Kiunga, Varirata National Parks and Balyer River Sanctuary.
For many of the people of Papua New Guinea walking is
the only mode of transport, thus the often rugged and
mountainous terrain is abundant with walking tracks.
The most popular is the five- to nine-day Kokoda Trail,
but some lesser-known tracks are just as challenging and
rewarding. Likewise, the mountains of Papua New Guinea,
in particular Mt. Wilhelm at over 14,000 ft, can provide
fantastic shorter duration hikes. Newly developed routes
include Black Cat Track (7 days) and Bulldog Track
(6 days). Qualified guides can provide local knowledge and
insight enhancing the experience of any group.
PNG is a relatively new destination for surf enthusiasts around the world. Uncrowded waves can be discovered all over the country from Taurama Point, just 10 minutes out of Port Moresby, right up to the Northern Provinces.
From June to September, waves in the South East regions range from 6–8 feet. The Northern side of the country has premier surfing from mid-October through late April with waves on the mainland and offshore islands generated by the monsoon swells. Consistent quality waves ranging from three to six feet, and occasionally eight feet, can be found at Madang and Wewak. The most consistent waves are in Vanimo which range from beach to island reef breaks. Around Kavieng in New Ireland Province are numerous reef setups which provide excellent and varying surf breaks ranging from three to eight feet. Kite surfing is also growing in popularity with conducive conditions for this fast growing sport.
Cruising is a fantastic way to explore Papua New Guinea. Small cruise ships and dive liveaboards depart from various ports in PNG year-round. In addition, larger cruise ships originating from Australia or Asia often visit major ports in PNG as part of a South Pacific route.
Cruising The Sepik River, East Sepik Province
The Sepik River offers a unique expeditionary adventure into one of the most isolated corners of the world. Visit a traditional Spirit House (Haus Tambaran), experience the lengthy process of sago-making (Sepik staple food), collect fine carvings and witness centuries-old song and dance from the locals themselves. Make no mistake, this is an adventure into one of the world's last great wilderness areas, still largely intact both ecologically and culturally.
Photos and information courtesy of Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority