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MV FeBrina
Dive Discovery Client Feedback:
PNG – Onboard MV FeBrina,
October, 2016
Hi Cindi
We had a fantastic time. The diving was outstanding, other guests great and crew friendly. Josie was amazing, Digger dug his way and was an amazing spotter and shark magnet (something to do with bait!) and girls in kitchen did not let us starve! Boat more rustic than we have been on in recent years but highly functional. We both dove in lycra suits (5 dives a day) as temp was 31 to 32C! At 32C it was hot underwater! Hopefully temp does not rise anymore as risk of coral bleaching.
We had 11 divers on board - 9 female and 2 male! Australian's (3), USA (7) and one from Switzerland. Great energy and interesting conversations.
The photographic opportunities were amazing. Swimming in the middle of large schools of barracuda, jacks and tuna, giant hard coral including gorgonians, sea whips and cabbage coral, sharks up close and personal, bat fish galore, rays, turtles and two amazing encounters with schools of giant humphead parrot fish. It was a place for big stuff!
Overall it was a fantastic trip and exceeded our expectations. Weather was excellent with flat seas. Our enormous respect to Alan and the Fabrina team for laying and maintaining the moorings that protect the reef and divers. The reefs were pristine with little evidence of boat or diver induced damage - preserving this amazing underwater wonder for future generations.
Thank you for organising for us. Travel plans etc all went smoothly. We head back to Sydney today and hit work reality with a thud ........but with big smiles on our faces!
Maria and Sophia
"Every dive will be a new experience"
MV FeBrina, together with skipper/owner Alan Raabe, has been working in Papua New Guinea waters since 1991 when the vessel arrived at Walindi Resort. The quality diving experience MV FeBrina offers can be quantified by the high number of repeat clientele she enjoys.
FeBrina cruises from her home port, Walindi Plantation Resort, visiting areas further afield such as Witu Islands, Fathers Reefs, South Coast New Britain and Rabaul. FeBrina's signature itinerary is Kimbe Bay, Witu Islands and Fathers Reefs which is offered in April, May and June, September, October and November.
During July and August, FeBrina cruises between Walindi and Rabaul, diving Kimbe Bay, Fathers Reefs and Rabaul. January, February and March see FeBrina exploring the Southern Coast of New Britain, based out of Rabaul. On selected itineraries during the year, the boat also visits the New Hanover area up towards Kavieng.
FeBrina is a very comfortable and stable vessel, offering seven, roomy, air conditioned cabins in a combination of double, twin and single configurations for a maximum of 12 divers. The well laid out dive deck and water level duck board make your diving a breeze. With permanent moorings on most dive sites, your gear all set up and ready for you and an attentive dive crew on hand to assist with camera gear, diving couldn't be easier.
The crew on MV Febrina are some of the most experienced in Papua New Guinea, most having been with us for many years. Our dive guides know the area like the back of their hands and have the most amazing eye for sighting even the most elusive or tiny creatures.
Meals are provided by a top class chef and are fresh and plentiful, with lots of yummy snacks in between dives. All of our crew are here to ensure you have the best possible dive vacation, both above and below the water.
Diving in Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea is located in the coral triangle, the centre of marine biodiversity which has the highest diversity of tropical fish and coral in the world. The waters of New Britain are home to prolific and diverse marine life and reef structures. Pristine and colourful corals are home to a variety of fish, crustacean and invertebrate life and many of the reefs have resident schools of barracuda, tuna and jacks. A range of shark species are regularly sighted, including hammerheads and silvertips, particularly on the offshore reefs. A resident pod of dolphins frequently entertains divers.
The occasional sightings of orca, pilot whales, whale sharks and other marine life passing through Kimbe Bay and West New Britain waters always delight both guests and staff.