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Mt Hagen Show, Famous Rabaul Culture and Oro Cultural Show

Dates: August
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Mt Hagen Show, Famous Rabaul Culture and Oro Cultural ShowMt Hagen Show, Famous Rabaul Culture and Oro Cultural ShowMt Hagen Show, Famous Rabaul Culture and Oro Cultural Show


DAY 1   PX397 SING-KUL-POM   09:00
      POM-HGN 15:10 16:10

On arrival in Port Moresby you will be met by our PNG representative and taken to the Airways Hotel, pool side. You have the day to relax before your flight to Mt Hagen departs at 3:10pm. Our PNG rep will pick guests up at 2pm to book in at domestic terminal for domestic flight.

DAY 2 Mt Hagen Cultural Show

Mt. Hagen Cultural Show was first staged in 1964 by many different tribes from Western Highlands Province as a means of (1) sharing the cultural experience with each other, (2) to calm the ever-present tribal animosities and enmities by bringing all tribes together in a one cultural event to expose the positive side of life, (3) and to celebrate the diversity of cultures among the natives. In 1964, Papua New Guinea was still under its colonial power, Australia. Between 1964 and 2002, there has been some huge paradigm shifts; one being so obvious is the show's focus. The Mt. Hagen Cultural Show has changed its focus from the aforementioned three reasons to a new one, that is, performing for the tourists. Mt. Hagen Cultural Show of today is therefore, an international and domestic tourist attraction event. Also, there are prize monies to be won by the best performing cultural group, thus the competition is aggressive, yet colorful and exciting.

Mt Hagen Show, Famous Rabaul Culture and Oro Cultural Show

Audience: Normally, 500 to 1, 000 international tourists come to see this colorful cultural event. In August of 2001, about 500 international tourists witnessed the event. It is expected that in 2002, more international tourists are expected to attend from America, Australia, Canada, Japan, Italy, among others. Apart from international tourists, between 20, 000 to 50, 000 domestic tourists come out to enjoy the show. This show is THE biggest cultural event in the entire Papua New Guinea. The two days are one of the busiest days, exciting, and colorful.


Mt Hagen Cultural Show

Mt Hagen Show, Famous Rabaul Culture and Oro Cultural Show

Location: During the colonial era, the show was held in the heart of Mt. Hagen City. Sometime after independence in 1975, the show organizers decided to move it down to Kagamuga; a location next to the Mt. Hagen Airport. From the city, Kagamuga Showground is only 10 minutes drive eastwards. 
Cultural Groups: Over 50 different cultural groups perform their different dances (or "singsings") for the tourists. The show in itself is a competition where prize monies are set in order for the best performers. Also, local musicians and other modern entertainment events or attractions occur during the show.

Things to bring: Bring with you tons of rolls of films, and that is a 'must!' Also, a camcorder so that you can capture the sounds as well as the sights during the show. Bring along some cash in PNG Kina to spend on artifacts and other items of interest that are on sale next to the grand stand.


DAY 4   Mt Hagen-Port Moresby PX181 10:15 11:15
    Port Moresby-Rabaul PX274 14:55 16:20

This morning you will be transferred to Mt Hagen Airport to catch the flight back to Port Moresby. From here you will connect with the flight to Rabaul to begin this exciting part of your PNG Cultural experience.


Half day Rabaul Tour/Half Day Kokopo Tour

Discover the history of Rabaul – from the Old Market to an extensive range of WWII relics including the Japanese Underground Tunnels, Admiral Yamamoto’s Bunker. Witness up close and personal the active Mt Tavurvur Volcano, the hot springs and see the effects of the volcanic eruptions on Rabaul Town as you drive along Mango Avenue. Take in magnificent views from the Rabaul Volcano Observatory Lookout and learn more about the volcanic activities in Rabaul and Papua New Guinea as a whole.

Mt Hagen Show, Famous Rabaul Culture and Oro Cultural ShowMt Hagen Show, Famous Rabaul Culture and Oro Cultural Show


Get to know Kokopo, taste local tropical delights at the Kokopo Markets, visit Bitapaka War Cemetery, and Queen Emma’s Steps. Explore the Kokopo War Museum which houses a superb collection of Wold War II relics, Japanese Occupation and German administrative history.


Volcano/Harbour Cruise followed by Baining Fire Dance

Visit the Simpson’s Harbour, Blue Lagoon, the Beehives in the middle of the Harbour and enjoy a more closer view of the active volcano. Return via Pigeon Island, an island inhabited just by pigeons as the name says it all. Enjoy a 20 minutes walk around the island and for those interested in snorkelling, snorkel some of the most pristine coral reefs in surrounding this little island.
Be entertained by this most sacred and unique Baining Fire Dance. See the initiated men Dance on fire barefooted without getting burnt. The men dance until the fire totally dies out. The dance can take up to an hour.

Mt Hagen Show, Famous Rabaul Culture and Oro Cultural Show


Mt Hagen Show, Famous Rabaul Culture and Oro Cultural Show


DAY 7  


PX207 12:20 13:40

This morning the group has leisure time. Puck up for airport transfers approximately 10:30am. On arrival in Port Moresby you will be escorted to your hotel. Afternoon at leisure.

DAY 8  


CG378 15:00 16:00


Visit: Bomona War Cemetery, Parliament House, Botanical Gardens, Museum, Artifact shopping.

Guests will be picked up at Hotel foyer at 9am

We will drive for 20 minutes out to the Bomona War Cemetery where you will be able to pay homage to the 3375 soldiers that are buried there. Bomona War Cemetery is the largest WW11 cemetery in the South Pacific

Mt Hagen Show, Famous Rabaul Culture and Oro Cultural Show

From the Bomona War Cemetery our guests will be taken on a site seeing tour of Port Moresby. We will visit the Botanical Gardens, Museum if open, Parliament House and they will have the opportunity to some artifact shopping.

Mt Hagen Show, Famous Rabaul Culture and Oro Cultural Show

Guests will then be taken to the Royal Papua Yacht Club for lunch. After lunch taken to domestic terminal to connect with flight to Tufi


  • Sunhat
  • Sunscreen
  • Insect Repellent
  • Sturdy comfortable walking shoes


Mt Hagen Show, Famous Rabaul Culture and Oro Cultural Show

Your Tufi representative will coordinate your Port Moresby to Tufi transfer. You will be flown to Tufi which is a magnificent flight over the Owen Stanley ranges to the Oro Province coastline which is a 50 minute flight from Port Moresby.  Upon arrival at Tufi you will be transferred to the resort where you will be debriefed on the history of Tufi and given time to relax, view the sunset and prepare for dinner.  After dinner local village ladies will show you many types of tapa cloth which is famous in Oro Province.

Mt Hagen Show, Famous Rabaul Culture and Oro Cultural ShowMt Hagen Show, Famous Rabaul Culture and Oro Cultural ShowMt Hagen Show, Famous Rabaul Culture and Oro Cultural Show



Tufi has a strong traditional culture. Its history goes back for centuries. In the early 1800's British sailing ships used the Tufi Fjord as a safe harbor and eventually the District Manager's residence was established on the Tufi Station.

The purpose of staging these cultural days is to bring awareness to overseas visitors of the Culture and Tradition of the numerous clans in the district today. It also will bring the local communities together and creates a bond and unity between them. Traditional Sing-sing performance groups and Arts and Crafts makers will be attending.

DAY 10


During the 2 days of the festivities Sing-Sing performances will be held as well as continuous demonstrations in tapa cloth making, clay pots, fire and rope making and arts and crafts making including traditional cooking of their local produce.  Fjord cruising will be available taking in the bird life and natural beauty of the fjord land and a Komoa Beach BBQ lunch will conclude the cultural weekend on the Sunday afternoon. This beach has a real tranquil feel, enjoy some great snorkeling, swimming and meet the friendly village people, while being cooked up some great Tufi seafood served with garden fresh salad and tropical fruits, full bar is available. The Komoa people will welcome you with a sing sing.  

Mt Hagen Show, Famous Rabaul Culture and Oro Cultural ShowMt Hagen Show, Famous Rabaul Culture and Oro Cultural Show

DAY 11   TUFI-POM CG379 07:10 08:25


PX392 15:00 19:20

On arrival in Port Moresby you will be met by our PNG representative and taken to the Airways Hotel, pool side. You have the day to relax before your flight to Singapore at 3:00pm. Our PNG rep will pick guests up at 1pm to book in at international terminal.



  • 3 night’s accommodation Mt Hagen (based on twin share) and meals
  • 2 days show tickets (Mt Hagen)
  • Transfers to Show
  • Experienced escort at show
  • 1 night’s accommodation Port Moresby and meals
  • ½ day site seeing tour Port Moresby
  • 3 night’s accommodation Rabaul (based on twin share) and meals
  • All site seeing and cultural activities in Rabaul & Kokopo
  • 2 night’s accommodation Tufi Resort (based on twin share) and meals
  • 2 day Tufi cultural Show – show tickets
  • All airport transfers


LAND COST DOES NOT INCLUDE: International flights, domestic airfares, visa fees and services of a personal nature such as meals, beverage, laundry charges, phone and fax bills. Meals for leisure time in Port Moresby.

Please book domestic airfares POM-Mt Hagen-POM, POM-Rabaul-POM, POM-Tufi-POM at the same time as booking international fares.
Refer to itinerary for airfare details.