Home > Diving Red Sea > Red Sea Liveaboards
Emperor Echo
Emperor's Liveaboard
Emperor Echo is the latest addition to the Emperor Red Sea Fleet offering exceptional value for money for the 'eat, sleep, dive repeat diver'. Simply designed with the diver in mind; a very spacious dive deck easily accommodating 24 guests with free NITROX and at 2 professional guides.
Emperor Echo sails the popular Famous Five, Red Sea Sharks and Simply the Best routes when the weather and sightings are at their peak, giving the diver more variety and chances to explore the Red Sea at a more affordable price.
Accommodation on-board offers 6 x twin-berth and 2 x double bedded cabins on the lower deck and 4 x twin-berth cabins on the upper deck. All cabins are ensuite with individual air conditioning, two cabin towels, 1 deck towel and bathrobe per guest.
Of course, fantastic food is served as standard, along with free red wine with dinner and a bar on the upper deck. She has limited free WiFi (for internet browsing and connecting with communication applications only when in signal).