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Salmon Shark Snorkeling in Alaska
with Boone Hodgin
Join this unique Alaskan expedition with the original backcountry guide that developed and poineered the one and only techinique that allows underwater photographers around the world to capture amazing imagery and max time with these predators.
** Only snorkel experience is required for this tour
** 7mm Wetsuit Included
Alaska's ultimate photography tour! Both above and below.
Salmon Sharks (lamna ditropis) are a pelagic species of shark that can be found roaming the open ocean and close to inland waters during migration periods.
Found largely in the North Pacific, between Japan and the west coast of North America. Female sharks live up to 20 years and mature at 6-9 years of age, while males can live up to 27 years and mature as soon as 3-5 years of age.
Masters of heat regulation to help with bursts of speed in icy waters for prey and to increase their vertical range in the water column. Salmon Sharks are part of the endothermic Lamnidae family. Meaning they are able to thermoregulate or maintain a body temperature above the temperature of the surrounding water. Most other marine life is ectothermic, which means they maintain an internal temperature that matches the surrounding water. Lamnids have vascular counter-current heat exchangers or retes, that enable them to retain the heat produced by their metabolism. These retes are located near the muscles used for locomotion and in their viscera or body cavity organs. They are also able to regulate their temperature using vascular shunts that enable them to alter and re-route blood flow. Giving them the advantage to raise their internal body temperature anywhere from 10-15 degree's above the surrounding water.
Although curious by nature, these sharks can sometimes be hard to approach without the correct technique. There are a wide variety of prey fishes that Salmon sharks feed on, which include steelhead trout, herring, sardines, pollock, Alaska cod, tomcod, lancetfishes and mackerel. But one is the most likely reason for their migratory pattern to Alaska each summer, Pacific Salmon.
Trip leaders, production companies and photographers around the world have used us to gain unparalled access to a pelagic fish that had previously been extremely hard to find and even harder to swim with. Come see how Boone and Gina have opened the door to shark adventures by combining their wealth of knowledge and interactions over the years, to bring you an expedition experience like no other, in the last frontier!
Our lodge has all the amenities you'd need for a comfortable stay in the wilderness of Alaska. You'll also find that not only does the lodge cater to several different types of clientele, its also setup with snorkel/scuba divers in mind with freshwater to rinse gear and hot showers to soak in at the end of the day.
Why is this only a snorkel trip? We've found over the years that we don't often have time during the day to pull out the dive tanks and get some bottom time when the majority of the day is spent finding the right sharks to interact with. So we'll spend as much time on the surface as we can, giving you the best moments during a weather window that starts early in the morning and usually ends by lunch. But if you still have energy after swimming with a Salmon Shark, you'll have time for self-guided activities such as snorkeling off the dock or hiking on the lodges 240 acre property.
We are cage free during this tour, so please be aware that you are swimming freely with these large animals. With that being said, please be respectful of their environment and follow our safe practices and standards given during orientation. Over the years, we've never had an accident and will continue to keep this record.
For more information
Dive Discovery
1 800 886-7321
(415) 444-5100
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