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Ultimate Shark Encounter
Fiji Shark Diving
Fiji's Original Shark Dive
Come dive with the creator of the FIJI SHARK DIVE. In 1999 Aqua-Trek's Brandon Paige, a.k.a the "Shark Whisperer", created a dive with the intent to educate divers and aid in the conservation of sharks. Little did he know he was creating what is now known as THE WORLD'S #1 SHARK DIVE.
Divers come from around the world to experience the only Fiji shark diving with 8 Species of Shark. Aqua-Trek's Ultimate Shark Encounter features multiple bull sharks (largest in the world), whitetip reef sharks, blacktip reef sharks, nurse sharks, lemon sharks, grey reef sharks, silvertip sharks and over 300 species of fish. As if that isn't enough, 16 + foot tiger sharks come in regularly, making this a 'shark lovers' dream dive.
Aqua-Trek has been successful in creating two Shark Marine Reserves that directly involve the Fijian people in the protection of sharks. It is within this protected area that the Ultimate Shark Encounter takes place.
As divers descend through the clear waters to the 25m/80 foot landing, they will see sharks circling below them along with hundreds of jacks, snappers and other fish species swirling around the feeding area. Within this excitement divers are rewarded by rare sightings of the huge queensland grouper and humphead wrasse. Divers are not in a cage, but situated on the reef around the perimeter of the dive site called "the Arena". Once settled in, the feed begins. Tawny Nurse sharks are abundant and not shy as they crowd around the feeders. Lemon Sharks attend in ones or twos. Silver tips dart in and out from the blue. The main attraction, the huge Bull Sharks, arrive in numbers as far as the eye can see. They purposefully move in opening their enormous jaws to take the food from the feeder in direct view of the diving guests.
Fiji Shark Diving: An amazing experience, yes! Let us take you one step further ... Enter the Tiger Shark. Everything you were just witnessing has gone still and silent as the 16-18 foot denizen of the sea slowly and deliberately moves in to claim the area with its grand presence. The queen has arrived. She slowly scans the area with her black eyes taking it all in. All the others move aside as she comes around several times to feed just feet away from the divers, and then is on her way, leaving the divers in awe.
After 20 minutes of bottom time, divers ascend up the beautiful reef ledge where grey reef, black tip and white tip reef sharks swim freely. After the big boys (and girls), this part of the dive seems like the nursery.
The dive lasts about 50 minutes and provides divers and 'shark lovers' award winning photo and video opportunities. After the hour long surface interval, the dive is repeated, however you never know what the second dive will bring as the tide has changed and the chum trail has traveled far.
A 10-minute boat ride back to the dock and divers are sharing pictures and video and excitedly reliving the experience. Now its time for a hearty lunch at the Pearl South Pacific Resort.
The Ultimate Shark Encounter is a dive you will never forget. Those lucky enough to be graced by the presence of each species of shark that arrives at the dive have witnessed something that is special and may not always be there. We hope it will move you to join us in our efforts in the conservation of these beautiful creatures that are so vital to the marine ecosystem and our planet.
For more information
Dive Discovery
1 800 886-7321
(415) 444-5100
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